However you managed to find this page, welcome to the S.o.s. archive.

Currently chapters .5 and 1 are ongoing fan projects. If you do find any interest in what you’re seeing, for some reason, there will be more pages.


If you wanna to talk to me about the project, either with comments or critique, please feel free to email me! I’d love to hear what people think of the story so far, even with the limited amount of pages.

Mild Updates

6/10/23: Page 21 added to Chapter 1
I must have been missing the updates since the schedule has been so messy. I am very sorry for that!
3/11/23: Page 18 added to Chapter 1
10/30/22: Page 15 added to Chapter 1
10/14/22: Sorry for the long wait. We have new pages coming up soon.

8/12/22: Page 10 added to Chapter .5
7/22/22:Page 14 added to Chapter 1
7/22/22: Page 13 added to Chapter 1
6/4/22: Page 12 added to Chapter 1
Chapter .5 on hold for now.
4/22/22: Page 11 added to Chapter 1
4/22/22: Page 9 added to Chapter .5
Chapter 1 pages all updated
2/11/22: Page 10 added to Chapter 1
1/29/22: Page 8 and 9 added to Chapter 1
11/24/21: Page 8 added to Chapter .5
11/25/21: Page 7 added to Chapter 1
11/5/21: Page 6 added to Chapter 1
10/30/21: Page 7 added to Chapter .5
10/5/21: Page 6 added to Chapter .5
9/30/21: Page 5 added to Chapter 1
9/8/21: Page 4 added to Chapter 1
9/7/21: Page 6 added to Chapter .5
8/26/21: Page 5 added to Chapter .5